Our Story

How it all started...

Boathouse began in 2015 as two guys who loved the lake and loved Jesus went out on boats with their Bibles. As local ministries took a break for the summer, they noticed a need for a fun place for college students to continue to worship Jesus in community. Since then, God has used the lake to bring people from various backgrounds – those who have walked with Jesus their whole lives, to students who have never stepped foot in a church.

We exist to be His witnesses.

By God’s grace, Boathouse has grown into a year-round non-profit organization that continues the original vision to help make disciples of college students alongside their local church bodies. Week by week, it is our great joy to see God work for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28).

Where we are headed...

Boathouse is compelled by the gospel to reach the 30,000+ college-age adults in East Texas. Our desire is to see every single one of them come to know the reality of having Jesus Christ at the center of every part of their lives.  Boathouse has furthered its mission by hiring full-time staff including the addition of its first Executive Director and Women's Director in the summer of 2023. We see no sign of slowing down anytime soon, and day-by-day our prayer is to make heaven crowded as we walk life with college students in East Texas. (Romans 5:8)

Be a part of our story...

Anyone and everyone is welcome to join us on Tuesday nights at 6pm.